This young lady was so absorbed in her book that she didn't notice I snapped her picture. I never know if I should ask permission before I take a photo, or just snap away. Is there some kind of photo protocol I am not aware of?
This is the carved top of a cedar trunk that I found in a shop on Granville Island. After living in Port Hardy for 5 years, I really came to appreciate this type of art and the stories told by the aboriginal people.
Saw this beautiful bike on the way to the chiropractor on Thursday and wanted to hop on and take a ride. Sadly - I have no idea how to ride a big bike, but it does look like fun! I haven't been on one since I was a young girl!
This little bench is patiently waiting for some child to come and sit down. It is so colorful and inviting. I have never seen this before, and as it is situated right next to Starbucks, I find that rather surprising!
These orchids are from Queen Elizabeth Park in the conservatory. I took them last June, and decided to post them today as I didn't have time to look through my new photos.
I have no idea what kind of flowers these are, but I think they are pretty. I was trying out some new settins on my camera. Donna gave me a book for Mother's Day, which is really helpful. Good thing my camy is digital, or I would have wasted a lot of film by now!
Just as I was returning to our building the other day, I looked up, and this is what I saw peeking out the front window. Surprising, as I didn't thinkwe were allowed to have pets in this building.
The other day when I was at the Happy Farm Market I noticed these tomato boxes stacked on top of one another. I had to snap a picture. The people at the market gave me a weird look as I was taking photographs of their fruit and vegetables!
This turquoise, which is my favorite stone, was taken in the bead shop on Granville Island. I didn't have to stand on my head to take this shot - but almost!
Kerrisdale's favorite clown. He makes balloon animals for all the little kids during Kerrisdale Days. After I took the photo he asked me if I caught his good side.
I should have actually posted this last week, but life got in the way of posting and I didn't get it up here. Anyway - I took this photo on the way to the last home game. I thought this was quite an ambitious project as the sign was huge - as you can see is spans 3 stories. Donna couldn't see it, so I took a photo for her. Maybe next year boys!
This is a great old car, that actually used to be a Vancouver City Police car. I love all the chrome and rounded edges. Pity they don't make cars like this any more!